Picanha & Chimichurri Crostini
We’re a nation of red meat eaters, here’s a recipe to kick start your next function with a tasty Picanha & Chimichurri Crostini starter.
We’re a nation of red meat eaters, here’s a recipe to kick start your next function with a tasty Picanha & Chimichurri Crostini starter.
Indulge in a fusion of Mexican, Asian, and South African flavors, all encapsulated in one delectable bite. Deep-fried stuffed wraps are poised to become your next party trick.
A hanging tomahawk in the Hero Smoker and grill is possibly my favourite way to Braai/smoke a tomahawk. This amazing cut of meat hangs directly over open coals with the juices infusing that extra smoky flavour as it cooks low and slow.