
Tips & tricks

Wood Chips vs. Wood Chunks: Choosing the Right Smoking Wood for Your Braai

2024-10-16T14:03:33+02:00Categories: Fun Stuff, Tips & tricks|Tags: |

Whether you're gathering with friends or enjoying a family meal, the type of wood you use can make all the difference. Smoking wood chips and wood chunks are two popular options that bring distinct flavours to your braai. In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between wood chips and wood chunks, and help you decide which is better for your next braai.

How to light a fire

2023-11-02T11:10:42+02:00Categories: Tips & tricks, Use & Care|Tags: , |

In a world powered by switches and buttons, there's something undeniably primal and captivating about kindling a fire from scratch. Whether you're a seasoned outdoors enthusiast, a weekend camper, or simply someone looking to reconnect with nature, learning how to start a fire is a fundamental skill that opens the door to countless possibilities.

Seasoning your Firesmith Hero Smoker & Grill before your first cook

2023-11-02T11:10:52+02:00Categories: Learning Centre, Tips & tricks, Use & Care|Tags: |

Prior to using your Firesmiths Hero Smoker & Grill, it’s important that you season it before you start cooking with it. The same as you would typically do with a cast-iron skillet but with a few more steps and caveats.

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