Firesmith Blog Post Butterflied Chicken 2

We all love an open-fire, flame grilled chicken drumstick, now here’s an innovative way to not only impress your guests but to get that all round crispy BBQ flavour onto your drumstick AND braai them quicker than a normal drumstick.


Date Posted:

October 19, 2023

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Butterflied Chicken Drumsticks

Prep Time: 15min

Cooking Time: 60min

Feeds How Many – 6

What You Need


  • Hero Smoker & Grill – In the braai set up mode – See video on quick master class for the Hero Smoker & Grill


  • 12 x Free Range large chicken drumsticks
  • BBQ dry rub – Or a spice of your choice
  • BBQ marinade

How To Do It:

We all love an open-fire, flame grilled chicken drumstick, now here’s an innovative way to not only impress your guests but to get that all round crispy BBQ flavour onto your drumstick AND braai them quicker than a normal drumstick. Why? We are butterflying them, which not only increases the cooking area but also thins out the meat that’s partially off the bone.

Grab a sharp pairing knife, cut the drum stick along the length of the bone and flare the meat open – See video.

Dry rub with your spice of choice. Place them over direct heat in your Hero Smoker & Grill. Turning regularly, make sure you get that all round crispiness. 10 minutes prior to getting to the desired internal temperature of 75degrees, give the drumsticks a light coating of BBQ sauce.

Remove from the grill and serve either with a dipping sauce as a starter or with a nice green garden salad as a main course. Enjoy.

Ranger Smoking Tips:

I prefer adding the basting later during the cook otherwise basting tends to burn or caramelize too quickly if added to soon.

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